Local DISEMBL setup
# download Tisean
wget http://www.mpipks-dresden.mpg.de/~tisean/TISEAN_2.1.tar.gz
tar xvf TISEAN_2.1.tar.gz
cd TISEAN_2.1
# we need to let TISEAN know that we have gfortran installed
export FC=gfortran
I did get some errors due to malloc.h being deprecated on the Mac, however, disembl only needed sav_gol, which compiled without trouble.
Next, move onto the disembl setup:
cd ..
wget http://dis.embl.de/DisEMBL-1.4.tgz
tar xvf DisEMBL-1.4.tgz
cd DisEMBL-1.4
cp ../TISEAN_2.1/source_c/sav_gol .
gcc -O3 disembl.c -o disembl
Lastly, set correct paths to the neural net binary and savgol at the top of the script DisEMBL.py.
… and run!
./DisEMBL.py 8 8 4 1.2 1.4 1.2 example.fasta scores